
Hello I'm

Jonathan Li

I’ve been messing around making what I think is cool stuff—ai stuff, website designs, hackathon projects—for the past six years.

who am i?

I’m Jonathan, canadian ai researcher, web designer, computer programmer, entrepreneur, gymgoer, piano player...

I started coding six years ago when I was captivated by the magic behind a neural network. Now I’ve graduated from high school, currently working at Cohere doing machine learning stuff.

I’m interested in pursuing life’s big questions—which is likely why my interests bounce around so often, from AI (to help me) to physics (to explain our world) to entrepreneurship (to fund my exploration)—though I’m honestly unlikely to succeed, at least on my own.

Image of me

ai research

I've published a few papers as first author
@ Queen’s U, with Prof. Xiaodan Zhu

Prefix Propagation: Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Long Sequences

Association of Computational Linguistics 2023 (ACL 2023)

Jonathan Li, Will Aitken, Rohan Bhambhoria, Xiaodan Zhu

Parameter-Efficient Legal Domain Adaptation

Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022 (NLLP @ EMNLP 2022)

Jonathan Li, Rohan Bhambhoria, Xiaodan Zhu

Evaluating AI for Law: Bridging the Gap with Open-Source Solutions

arXiv preprint (2024)

Rohan Bhambhoria, Samuel Dahan, Jonathan Li, Xiaodan Zhu

Experimenting with Legal AI Solutions: The Case of Question-Answering for Access to Justice

Workshop on Generative AI and Law '24 (GenLaw @ ICML 2024)

Jonathan Li, Rohan Bhambhoria, Samuel Dahan, Xiaodan Zhu

website designs

A few years ago I started Riftium, a web design firm, with my brother.

marketing and e-commerce page for ChocChique, a local bean-to-bar chocolate startup

landing and conference page for the Institutions & Effective Climate Action project

3d landing page and contact for Riftium, my local web firm

landing page and contact for Immanuel Law, a local law firm

selected personal/​​hackathon projects

🌙 moonlit
emotional news detection


3rd @ hack the change

🚫 reBlock🚀 trajectify🎊 reSolve
new years resolutions generation


1st @ see you later, hackulator

✈️ triptrove
travel plans generation


1st @ wafflehacks

🎮 nimble3d game engine with GUI, physics, and ECS system️️🦀 crabfishchess engine that beats me pretty badly🐱 lulzfast and spec-compliant LOLCODE implementation🐛 issuebasesite to list good first issues in notable github repos💎 zirconinterpreted and purely functional toy language

jonathan li

Reach out to me via email ( or Linkedin.